13-year-old Fulori Diraboki, an exceptional student from Dravo District School whose story of resilience and determination has inspired the nation. Fulori, who recently received the Year 8 Dux award, has overcome significant challenges to excel academically while serving as the primary caregiver for her bedridden mother.
Fulori’s daily routine includes caring for her mother, Timaleti Droceva, who has been bedridden for five years due to a spinal condition. Despite these responsibilities, Fulori consistently excels in her studies, balancing household chores and caregiving with her education. Her commitment and perseverance led to her being honored at the Fiji Children’s Award ceremony, where she was recognized for her resilience and selflessness.
In recognition of Fulori’s inspiring journey, Telecom Fiji has stepped in to provide her with essential school supplies as she transitions to secondary education at Vunimono High School in Nausori. This initiative aligns with Telecom Fiji’s commitment to supporting education and empowering youth In Fiji.
Fulori hails from Wainika Village, Tawake, Cakaudrove, with maternal ties to Sawaieke, Gau Lomaiviti. She moved to Naila, Bau, Tailevu, to care for her mother while continuing her education at Dravo District School. Despite walking 30 minutes to school on days she misses the bus, Fulori remains focused on her goal of academic excellence. Her mother’s encouragement and unwavering faith have been her driving force.
“Without my mother, I would not have achieved the Dux award or excelled in my studies,” Fulori shared. “Her dedication to our education inspires me to persevere. I am grateful to God for her life and for the opportunities I’ve had to succeed.”
Fulori’s advice to other children is rooted in faith and respect: “Always ask God for guidance, and He will provide a way. Honor and respect your parents, as they are your source of blessings.”
Telecom Fiji’s assistance will ensure that Fulori has the resources she needs to thrive in secondary school.secondary school.
Charles Goundar, CEO of Telecom Fiji, stated, “Fulori’s story exemplifies the strength and resilience of our young people. Telecom Fiji is committed to supporting education and empowering future leaders. By providing Fulori with the tools she needs to succeed, we hope to inspire others to pursue their dreams despite challenges.”
Fulori expressed her heartfelt thanks to Telecom for their support: “I am deeply grateful to Telecom Fiji for supporting my education. This assistance will help me focus on my studies and continue striving for excellence. Thank you for believing in me and my dreams.”
Telecom’s contribution underscores its dedication to leaving no one behind and fostering a brighter future for Fiji’s youth. The company remains committed to uplifting communities through education and connectivity.